Mary-Kay Gamel
Research Professor Emerita of Classics, Comparative Literature, and Theater Arts
University of California, Santa Cruz
2005-2008 Chair, Department of Literature, UCSC
2000-01 Flora Stone Mather Visiting Professor of Classics and Theater Arts, Case Western Reserve University
1999-2000 Chair, Language Program, UCSC
1999-Professor of Classics, Comparative Literature, and Theater Arts, UCSC
1991-94 Chair, Department of Theater Arts, UCSC
1988-99 Associate Professor of Classics, Comparative Literature, and Theater Arts, UCSC
1980-88 Associate Professor of Classics and Comparative Literature, UCSC
1973-80 Assistant Professor of Classics and Comparative Literature, Board of Studies in Literature, UCSC
1972-73 Assistant Professor of Classics, Boston University
1969-72 Instructor, Department of Classics, Boston University
1967 Acting Instructor, Summer Latin Workshop, UC Berkeley
1965-66 Instructor, Department of Classical Languages and World Literature, San Francisco State College
1972 Ph.D., Univ. of Calif. at Berkeley, in Comparative Literature
1964 M.A., Harvard University, in Classics
1963 B.A., Smith College, in Classics
Honors, Awards, Grants
Grant from University of California Humanities Research Institute to support conference on “Music and Greek Drama” ($10,000)
Grant from UCSC Arts Research Institute to support production of Orestes Terrorist ($10,000)
Grant from UCSC Committee on Research to support conference on “Music and Greek Drama” ($1,500)
Alexander S. Onassis Public Benefit Foundation Senior Visiting Scholar, Saint Joseph’s University, Philadelphia
Scholarly Outreach Award from American Philological Association
Residency (five weeks) at University of Auckland
Grant from Puknat Endowment for Literary Studies to support symposium “Helen of —?”
Mentored Clearblue Jackson, whose senior thesis “Thrown Off Mount Olympus: Disabilities in Ancient Greece” won a Humanities Undergraduate Research Award
Special Faculty Grant ($10,300) from UCSC Committee on Research to support production of new version of Euripides’ Helen
Mentored Thomas Lazur, who won a Dean’s Award for acting the role of “Sonny” Filiolo in The Buzzzz!!!!
Mentored Cassandra Pereira who won Dean’s and Chancellor’s Awards for her essay “Never Look Back: a Discussion of the Orpheus Myth, Poetry, and Immortality”
Sponsored Cole Akers’ project “Who Needs Greek?” which won HUGRA award
Major Grant from Center for Teaching Excellence, UCSC, to support improvement of History 21/Literature 61M ($11,000)
Grant from Siegfried Puknat Fund to support conference “Authenticity and Revision in Performance: the Case of Hrotsvit and Terence”
Grant from UCSC Academic Senate Committee on Research
Grant from UCSC Academic Senate Committee on Research
Grant from Baker-Nord Center for the Humanities, Case Western Reserve University, to support conference “Performing Aristophanes” ($30,000)
Nominated for Excellence in Teaching Award, UCSC
Grants from UCSC Academic Senate Committee on Research
NEH Summer Stipend to study Teatro Povero di Monticchiello ($4,000)
Sponsored Ella Diaz’s senior essay in Literature (won HUGRA and Dean’s Award)
Sponsored Bradford Shreve’s production of Sondheim’s Assassins (won Dean’s Award)
Grant from Intercampus Arts to support tour of The Julie Thesmo Show to UCLA ($5,800)
Instructional Improvement Grant from UCSC Committee on Teaching to support Theater Arts 155 ($2,225)
Nominated for UCSC Excellence in Teaching Award
Grant from Intercampus Arts to support tour of Prometheusproduction spring 1998 ($4,200)
Grants from UCSC Academic Senate Committee on Research
Grant from UC Humanities Research Institute to fund a conference on Text and Performance ($10,000)
Instructional Improvement Grant from UCSC Committee on Teaching to support Theater Arts 151
Grant from Center on Teaching, UCSC, to fund a theatrical production focusing on teaching
Award from Center for Cultural Studies, UCSC, to support a research cluster “Women and Performance”
”Favorite Professor” Award, UCSC
Grant from Humanities Division, UCSC, for conference “Ancient Drama/Modern Performance”
Grants from UCSC Academic Senate Committee on Research.
Grant from National Endowment for the Humanities to fund `Shakespeare and the Romans’ public lecture series ($87,000).
Grant from California Council for the Humanities to support “Shakespeare To Go” programs
Grant from California Council for the Humanities to support “A Weekend with Shakespeare 1985”
Grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities to teach a seminar on “Violence in the Media” in the program Seminars for the Professions, July-September 1980 ($37,000)
Instructional Improvement grant, UCSC
Regents’ Summer Faculty Fellowship, UCSC
Instructional Improvement grant, UCSC
Affirmative Action Fellowship, UCSC
Regents’ Summer Faculty Fellowship (declined)
National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Stipend
Rome Prize Fellowship in Classical Studies, American Academy in Rome
Fulbright-Hayes grant to Cambridge, England (declined)
Books and Monographs
Women on the Edge: Four Plays by Euripides (with Ruby Blondell, Nancy S. Rabinowitz, Bella Zweig), in series The New Classical Canon, edited by David M. Halperin, Routledge 1999
Comparative Literature and the Classics: a Study Guide, commissioned and published by the American Philological Association
Dissertation: “Playfulness and Seriousness in Ovid’s Metamorphoses,” directed by William S. Anderson
Articles in Professional Journals
“The Ancient Mediterranean Onstage in Chicago,” Amphora 6:2 (2007): 4-5.
“The Triumph of Cupid: Marlowe’s Dido Queen of Carthage,” American Journal of Philology 126:4 (2005), 613-622.
Co-author, “Introduction” to special issue “Ancient Mediterranean Women in American Popular Culture,” Helios 32:2 (2005): 11-126.
“The Palace of Fine Arts: Classical Architecture in San Francisco,” Amphora 2:2 (2003): 1-3.
“Introduction” and “From Thesmophoriazousai to The Julie Thesmo Show,” American Journal of Philology 123:3 (2002): 319-328, 465-499.
“‘Apollo knows I have no children:’ Scholarship, Motherhood, Theater” in special issue of Arethusa, The Personal Voice in Classical Scholarship, ed. Judith P. Hallett and Thomas Van Nortwick pp 153-171.
“Introduction” to special issue. “Approaches to Theatrical Performance in the Ancient Mediterranean” (Helios 27:2): 99-103.
“Staging Ancient Drama: the Difference Women Make,” Syllecta Classica 10 (1999): 22-42.
“Reading as a Man: Performance and Gender in Roman Elegy,” Helios 25: 79-95.
“Introduction” to “Crossing the Ancient Stage” (papers on cross-gender performance in the ancient Mediterranean by Pamela R. Bleisch, Mary DeForest, Catherine Freis, and James S. Whitta) Didaskalia 3.2 (spring 1997; appeared 1998).
“‘Genuine Corinthian Bronze: the ‘Western canon’ in the age of global culture,” Macalester International III: 87-114.
“Reading ‘Reality’,” Helios, 17:171-74.
“non sine caede: Abortion Politics and Poetics in Ovid’s Amores,” Helios, 16: 183-206.
“This Day We Read Further: Feminist Interpretation and the Study of Literature,” Pacific Coast Philology, XXII: 7-14.
“Introduction” to special issue of Helios “Contemporary Interpretations of Ovid” 12: 3-7.
“Language and Literature: Allies not Enemies,” Association of Departments of Foreign Languages Bulletin 15.3: 8-11.
“Baucis and Philemon: Paradigm or Paradox?” Helios 11: 117-131.
“You Can Always Count on a Murderer for a Fancy Prose Style,” on Ovid’s Amores and Nabokov’s Lolita, Pacific Coast Philology XVII: 100-107.
“The Wilby Conspiracy,” Jump Cut, spring.
“Ovid True and False in Renaissance Poetry,” Pacific Coast Philology, XIII: 60-70.
“Of Languages and Their Importance,” Northern California Foreign Language Newsletter Vol. XXV, 99.
Chapters in Books
“The Festival of Dionysos: A Community Theatre,” in Close Relations: Spaces of Greek and Roman Theatre, Paul Monaghan and Jane Montgomery Griffiths, eds, (Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2016): 106-132.
“Revising ‘Authenticity’ in Staging Ancient Mediterranean Drama,” in Theorising Performance Reception: Greek Drama, Cultural History and Critical Practice, Edith Hall and Stephe Harrop, eds, (Duckworth 2010): 153-170.
“Sondheim Floats Frogs.” Aristophanes in Performance 421BC-AD 200: Peace, Birds, and Frogs, Edith Hall and Amanda Wrigley, eds, (Oxford University Press, 2007).
“An American Tragedy: Chinatown”(revised). Classical Myth and Culture in Cinema, ed. Martin M. Winkler (Oxford University Press, 2000), pp. 148-171.
“An American Tragedy: Chinatown.” Classics and Cinema,ed. Martin M. Winkler (Bucknell University Press, 1991), pp. 209-231.
Special Issues of Journals
2005 Guest Co-Editor, special issue on “Ancient Mediterranean Women in American Popular Culture,” Helios 32:2 (2005).
2002 Guest Editor, special issue on “Performing/Transforming Aristophanes’ Thesmophorioazousai,” American Journal of Philology 123:3 (2002).
2000 Guest Editor, special issue on “Approaches to Theatrical Performance in the Ancient Mediterranean,” Helios 27: 2 (2000).
1985 Guest Editor, special issue on “Contemporary Interpretations of Ovid” Helios 12 (1985).
2015 The Congressladies, a version of Aristophanes’ Ecclesiazousai
2011 Orestes Terrorist, a version of Euripides’ Orestes
2008 Helen of Egypt, a version of Euripides’ Helen
2006 The Buzzzz!!!!, a version of Aristophanes’ Wasps
2003 The Conversion of Thais, a translation of Hrotsvit of Gandersheim’s play
2000 The Julie Thesmo Show, a version of Aristophanes’ Women at the Thesmophoria
1998 Prometheus 1.1, a music drama based on Aeschylus’ Prometheus Bound
1998 Myrrha, a dramatization from Ovid, Metamorphoses 10
1996 Eye on Apollo, a version of Euripides’ Ion
1995 Effie and the Barbarians, a version of Euripides’ Iphigenia among the Taurians
1992 The Furies, a version of Aeschylus’ Eumenides
1990 Electra, a translation of Euripides’ Electra
1989 The Frogs, a version of Aristophanes’ Frogs (with Audrey Stanley)
1988 Alcestis, a translation of Euripides’ Alcestis
1985 Medea, a translation of Euripides’ Medea. Quarterly West 40 (1995): pp. 96-145
1985 Types of Drama, ed. Sylvan Barnet (Harper Collins, 1996), pp. 99-122
Book Reviews
2010 Review of Ariana Traill, Women and the Comic Plot in Menander (Cambridge University Press, 2008), Phoenix.
2009 Review of Michael Ewans, Opera from the Greek (Ashgate, 2007), Bryn Mawr Classical Review.
2008 Review of Graham Ley, The Theatricality of Greek Tragedy: Playing Space and Chorus (University of Chicago, 2007), Bryn Mawr Classical Review.
2008 Review of John Dillon and S.E. Wilmer, editors, Rebel Women: Staging Ancient Greek Drama Today (Methuen, 2005), Hermathena.
2007 Review of Martin M. Winkler, editor, Troy: from Homer’s Epic to Hollywood Film (Blackwell, 2007) Bryn Mawr Classical Review.
2007 Review of F. Macintosh, E. Hall, P. Michelakis, and O. Taplin, editors, Agamemnon in Performance, 458 BC-2003 AD(Oxford University Press, 2005), 2007 The American Journal of Philology 128:2 (2007): 279-83.
2006 Review of Barry Unsworth, The Songs of the Kings(Doubleday, 2003) Amphora 5.1: 13.
2003 Review of Erich Segal, The Death of Comedy (Harvard University Press, 2001) Text and Presentation, 24: 199-201.
2002 Review of Kathleen McCarthy, Slaves, Masters and the Art of Authority in Plautine Comedy (Princeton University Press, 2000), American Journal of Philology, 123: 297-301.
2002 Review of David Wiles, Greek Theatre Performance: an Introduction (Cambridge University Press, 2000), Classical World 96.2: 222-223.
2002 Review of Helene P. Foley, Female Acts in Greek Tragedy(Princeton University Press, 2001), Theatre Journal 54:167-68.
2001 Review of Michael X. Zelenak, Gender and Politics in Greek Tragedy (Peter Lang, 1998), Comparative Drama 35: 486-89.
1989 Review of John Winkler, Auctor & Actor: A Narratological Reading of Apuleius’s The Golden Ass (California, 1985), Classical Philology, 84: 76-82.
1983 Review of Clark Hulse, Metamorphic Verse (Princeton University Press, 1981), Classical and Modern LiteratureIII.4: 222-227.
Performance Reviews
2010 “A Tragic Romp?” (Orestes, a Tragic Romp, transadapted by Anne Washburn, Folger Theatre, Washington, D.C.; Orestes, translated by Marianne McDonald and J. Michael Walton, The Theater, Inc;, San Diego), Arion 17.4
1995 Double production of Menander’s The Woman of Samos and Plautus’ Casina, Getty Villa, Didaskalia 2.1
Newspaper Articles
2008 “Answers? or Questions?” Critical Essay on Euripides’ Iontogether with plot summary and playwright biography, Guide to the Season’s Plays, Shakespeare Theatre Company of Washington, D.C.: 58-67.
1998 “No Clash of Cultures Here: Getting Down with High Culture,” Performing Arts 32.1 (January 1998): 5-6.
2011 Director, The Ajax Project, Christopher Newport University
2010 Director, Effie and the Barbarians, Saint Joseph’s University
2009 Director, Eye on Apollo, University of Auckland
2008 Director, scene from Robinson Jeffers’ Medea, Big Read, Santa Cruz
2008 Producer, Helen of Egypt, UCSC
2006 Producer/Dramaturg, The Buzzzz!!!! (Aristophanes’ Wasps), UCSC
2006 The Julie Thesmo Show performed at The University of Durham (U.K.)
2006 Translation of Iphigenia at Aulis (from Women on the Edge) performed at Utah Classical Greek Theatre Festival (ten-site tour)
2005 Director, Staged Reading of Iran Man (Plautus’ Persa), American Philological Association Annual Meeting
2004 Director, Iran Man, UCSC
2004 Dramaturg, Aristophanes’ Lysistrata, Shakespeare Santa Cruz
2004 Director, Staged Reading of Iran Man, Feminism and Classics IV Conference, Tucson
2003 Translation of Iphigenia at Aulis performed at The University of Puget Sound
2003 Director/Producer, double production of Terence, The Eunuch, and Hrotsvit of Gandersheim, The Conversion of Thais, UCSC
2002 Director, Hrotsvit of Gandersheim, The Conversion of Thais(in Latin), International Theater, UCSC
2002 Director, Greg Paroff, The Folio, Actor’s Theatre, Santa Cruz
2002 Director, Staged Reading of Tom Stoppard, The Invention of Love, American Philological Association annual meeting
2001 CoDirector, The Julie Thesmo Show, version of Aristophanes’ Women at the Thesmophoria, CWRU
2000 CoDirector/Producer, The Julie Thesmo Show, version of Aristophanes’ Women at the Thesmophoria, UCSC, UCLA, Feminism and Classics III Conference, Los Angeles
1998 Dramaturg/Producer, Prometheus 1.1, UCSC, UC Berkeley, UC Davis
1998 Director/Actor, Myrrha (from Ovid, Metamorphoses 10), University of Chicago.
1997 Dramaturg, Seneca’s Trojan Women, UCSC
1996 Director/Producer, Eye on Apollo, version of Euripides’ Ion, UCSC
1996 Director/Script Consultant, Sam Patterson’s Ancestor, Actors’ Theatre, Santa Cruz
1995 Artistic Director/Director, The Santa Cruz Nativity(medieval English mystery plays adapted by Tony Harrison), UCSC
1995 Director/Producer, Effie and the Barbarians, version of Euripides’ Iphigenia Among the Taurians, UCSC
1995 Translation of Euripides’ Medea performed at Gettysburg College
1994 Translation of Euripides’ Medea performed by Utah Classical Greek Theatre Festival (ten-site tour)
1994 Stage Director, Carl Orff’s Trionfo di Afrodite, UCSC.
1993 Director, Jacob Estes’ Leigh’s Outrunning Her Mefa and Pefa Tonight, UCSC.
1993 Producer, Aristophanes’ Lysistrata, UCSC.
1993 Director, Eugene O’Neill’s Desire Under the Elms, UCSC.
1992 Dramaturg/Producer, The Furies, version of Aeschylus’ Eumenides, UCSC.
1992 Director, Alan Ayckbourn’s Woman in Mind, Actors’ Theatre, Santa Cruz.
1991 Dramaturg, Shakespeare’s Measure for Measure,Shakespeare Santa Cruz.
1991 Dramaturg/Producer, Euripides’ Iphigenia at Aulis, UCSC.
1991 Director, Gerald J. Rizzuto’s The Wheel Chair (staged reading), Santa Cruz Actor’s Theater.
1991 Director, Frances Hatfield’s Inanna Descending, Maenad Productions, Santa Cruz.
1991 Director, Amber Bell’s Remote, UCSC.
1990 Dramaturg/Assistant Director, Othello, Shakespeare Santa Cruz.
1990 Dramaturg/Producer, The Elektra Project, UCSC:
1990 Aeschylus’ Choephori, March
1990 Euripides’ Electra, May
1990 Dramaturg, Chekhov’s The Cherry Orchard, UCSC.
1990 Director, Philip Collins’ Living Memories, New Music Works.
1989 Dramaturg/Assistant Director, Romeo and Juliet,Shakespeare Santa Cruz.
1989 Dramaturg, Aristophanes’ The Frogs, UCSC.
1988 Dramaturg, Webster’s The White Devil, UCSC.
1988 Dramaturg/Producer, Euripides’ Alcestis, UCSC.
1988 Assistant Director, Titus Andronicus, Shakespeare/Santa Cruz.
1987 Dramaturg, Company, Shakespeare Santa Cruz.
1987 Dramaturg, Euripides’ Hippolytus, UCSC.
1986 Dramaturg/Assistant Director/Producer, Sophocles’ Ajax,UCSC.
1985 Assistant Director, Euripides’ Medea, UCSC.
Film/Video Director
1987 Video co-editor, Sophocles’ Ajax (video of UCSC production)
Public Lecture or Forum Participation
2010 “Can ‘Democratic’ Stagings of Greek Drama be Authentic?” conference on “Classics in the Modern World: is there a ‘Democratic Turn’?”, The Open University, Milton Keynes, U.K.
2010 “How Ancient Playwrights and Modern Directors Translate Elektra to the Stage,” University of Houston
2010 “Revising ‘Authenticity’ in Staging Ancient Mediterranean Drama,” Gustavus Adolphus College; Christopher Newport University; Hamilton College
2009 “Athenian Theater as Community Space,” University of Auckland Department of Classics Research Seminar; “Revising ‘Authenticity’ in Staging 2009 2009 Ancient Mediterranean Drama,” Auckland Classical Association, University of Victoria Department of Classics
2008 “The Passion of Van Trier’s Medea;” “Performing Aristophanes’ Ecclesiazousai,” Feminism & Classics Conference V, Ann Arbor
2007 “Revising ‘Authenticity’ in Staging Ancient Mediterranean Drama,” Northwestern University; University of Illinois
2007 “Revising ‘Authenticity’ in Staging Ancient Drama,” conference on “Theorising Performance Reception,” Archive for the Performance of Greek and Roman Drama, University of Oxford
2007 “Revising ‘Authenticity’ in Staging Ancient Mediterranean Drama,” Belser Annual Classics Lecture, University of South Carolina
2006 “Revising ‘Authenticity’ in Staging Ancient Mediterranean Drama,” UCLA
2005 “Revising ‘Authenticity’ in Staging Ancient Mediterranean Drama,” Stanford
2005 “Magic in Ancient Drama,” Classical Student Association Lecture Series, San Francisco State University
2005 Residency (three days) in Classics and Theater, Utah State University (visited classes, gave talks, consulted with students)
2004 Organized and spoke at conference, “Ancient Drama/Modern Politics,” in connection with Iran Manproduction UCSC
2004 “Staging Greek Tragedy Now,” University of Washington, University of California, Santa Barbara
2004 “Staging Roman Comedy Now” and “Titus Andronicus On Stage,” University of Iowa
2003 Organized and spoke at conference, “Authenticity and Revision in Performance: the Case of Hrotsvit and Terence” in connection with The Eunuch and 2003 The Conversion of Thais production, UCSC
2003 Invited participant, panel on performance of Medea, UC Berkeley
2003 “Staging Ancient Drama Now,” Stanford University
2002 Invited participant, panel on performance of Medea, UC Berkeley
2002 “Revising Authenticity,” invited paper at an international conference on Contemporary Performance of Ancient Greek and Roman Drama, Getty Museum
2001 “From Stage to Page: How Performance can Inform Scholarship” Classic Greek Theatre Festival, Reed College; DePauw University; University of North Carolina, Greensboro; Denison University; Panathenaea, Ohio University
2000 “From Thesmophoriazusai to Julie Thesmo,” College of Wooster
2000 “Staging Iphigenia at Aulis” DePauw University
2000 “Museum or Laboratory? Ancient Scripts on Stage” Case Western Reserve University; Oberlin College
2000 “Staging Ancient Drama: the Difference Women Make,” Ohio Wesleyan University
1999 “Museum or Laboratory? Ancient Scripts on Stage” Duke University
1999 “Euripides’ Helen Onstage” Vassar College
1998 “No Laughing Matter? Rape in Roman Comedy” University of New Mexico
1998 “Orff’s Carmina Burana,” Préludes Musiques, UCSC Music Department
1998 “Toga Party: TV Sitcoms as New Comedy,” Bucknell University, University of New Mexico
1998 “Violence in Film: a Classical Perspective,” University of Maryland
1998 “Performing Comedy in Ancient Athens,” Teacher Inservice Day, Berkeley Repertory Theatre
1997 ”Staging Aeschylus: the Difference Women Make,” Oberlin College
1997 ”Censorship: the Case of Ovid,” Ohio Wesleyan University
1997 “Violence in Film: a Classical Perspective,” Millsaps College
1996 ”Ancient Drama: the Difference Women Make,” University of Utah, UCSC Humanities Lecture Series
1995 ”‘Genuine Corinthian Bronze:’ the ‘Western canon’ in the age of global culture,” Macalester International Roundtable, Macalester College
1995 ”Maenadering Through History” (on American productions of Euripides’ Bacchae), at conference Dionysos Lives! Great Lakes Theater Festival, Cleveland
1994 ”Women Re-Producing Ancient Drama,” Hamilton College; University of Chicago; University of Wisconsin
1993 ”Women Re-Producing Ancient Drama,” Case Western Reserve University; Brown University; University of Massachusetts, Amherst
1993 ”Shakespeare’s Women in Performance,” Friday Shakespeare Club, Santa Cruz
1992 ”Women Re-Producing Ancient Drama,” UC Santa Barbara
1992 ”Teaching as Performance,” UCSC, February
1991 ”This Day We Read Further: Feminist Interpretation of Literature, Drama, Film,” Gettysburg College
1991 Organized conference “Ancient Drama/Modern Performance” (papers by Karen Bassi, James Svendsen, Don Taylor, Karelisa Hartigan, Nancy Sorkin Rabinowitz)
1991 ”Roman Women: Hearing the Voice of the Silent,” University of Utah
1991 ”Re-producing Women in Ancient Drama,” Utah State University
1990 ”The Jealousy Season,” Lifelong Learners, UCSC
1989 ”Orff’s Carmina Burana,” Preludes Musiques, UCSC Music Board
1988 ”The Romans, Shakespeare, and Women,” Shakespeare and the Romans Conference, UCSC
1988 ”Ajax in Vietnam,” Conference on Classical Drama in Modern Performance, Ohio State University.
1987 Panelist, discussion of Core Courses, UCSC
1986 ”non sine caede: the Politics and Poetics of Abortion in Ovid,” conference on Roman Women, Brown University; UCSD; Works-in-Progress Series, 1986 Literature Board
1986 Participant, Conference on Writing and Learning, UCSC
1985 Panel, “The View from the Podium,” California Academic and Research Librarians’ meeting
1985 Colloquium, “Why Shouldn’t the Teaching and Interpretation of Older Texts Become Obsolete?” UCSC
1985 ”Translating Greek Tragedy” Symposium on Literary Translation, UCSC
1984 Lecture, “Writing and Dismemberment,” UCSD
1983 Paper, “haec Venus est vobis: Lucretius on Sex” Works-in-Progress series, Literature Board, UCSC
1982 Lecture, “A Closet Feminist in Ancient Rome,” Spotlight on Women Scholars series, UCSC
1981 Lecture, “This same darke Philosophie,” Literature Board Works-in-Progress series, Literature Board, UCSC
1980 Member of panel on Stack o’ Wheats incident, UCSC
1978 Lecture, “Epic Violence: The Wild Bunch and the Iliad,” UC Berkeley Classics Colloquium
1977 Lecture, “Ovid’s Metamorphosis of Greek Tragedy,” English 300 Society; Smith College
1977 Lecture, “Baucis and Philemon in Ovid’s Metamorphoses:Paradigm or Paradox?” Univ. of Michigan Classics Colloquium, March
1977 Keynote lecture, “Does the Future Have a Past?” Foreign Language Association of North Dakota meeting
1976 Lecture, “Ovid the Master Story-Teller,” University of British Columbia
1976 Keynote lecture, “Does the Future Have a Past?” Foreign Language Association of Northern California meeting
1975 Lecture, “Reading Backward,” Stanford University Classics Colloquium
1975 Lecture, “Pyramus and Thisbe: Ovid and After” Literature Board Faculty Colloquium, UCSC
1975 Keynote lecture, Calif. Junior Classical League state convention, San Francisco, March
1973 Lecture, “Ovid in the Renaissance,” UC Berkeley Comparative Literature Colloquium
1972 Lecture, ” Ovid and Roman Mythological Painting,” Brown University; Smith College
Membership or Activities in Professional Associations
2006-09 Ancient and Modern Performance Committee, American Philological Association; Chair, 2007-09
2007 Panel Organizer, “Rome in Prime Time” (on HBO’s series Rome), American Philological Association annual meeting
2005 Panel Organizer, “Troy, The Movie” (on Petersen’s film Troy), American Philological Association annual meeting
2004-07 Nominating Committee, American Philological Association
2004 Panel Co-organizer, “Ancient Mediterranean Women in Contemporary Popular Culture,” American Philological Association annual meeting
2003 Editorial Board, Amphora, American Philological Association
2003-06 Member, Committee on Outreach, American Philological Association
2000 Panel Organizer, “Millennial Shakespeare,” Film and Literature annual meeting.
1999-02 Director, American Philological Association
1998 Panel organizer, “Penemollype,” on recent feminist interpretations of Homer’s Odyssey and Joyce, annual international Joyce conference, Rome
1997-99 Co-organizer, Three-Year Colloquium “Varieties of Performance in the Ancient Mediterranean,” American Philological Association
1997-99 Committee on the Performance of Classical Texts, American Philological Association; chair, 1998, 1999
1996 Co-organizer, panel “Crossing the Ancient Stage” (on cross-gender performance), American Philological Association
1987-89 Committee on The Performance of Classical Texts, American Philological Association
1985-86 President, Philological Association of the Pacific Coast
1985-86 Chair, Women’s Classical Caucus, American Philological Association
1985 Organized conference of UC Shakespeare Forum, held at UCSC
1985 Organized and ran annual meeting of Philological Association of the Pacific Coast, held at UCSC
1983-87 Steering Committee, Women’s Classical Caucus, American Philological Association.
1983 Chair, Ovid Section, Philological Association of the Pacific Coast meeting
1980 Organized spring meeting of California Classical Association, held at UCSC
1980 Chair, Ancient-Modern Relations section, Philological Association of the Pacific Coast meeting
1979-82 Placement Committee, American Philological Association
1977-78 President California Classical Association
1977 Chair, Greek Literature section, Philological Association of the Pacific Coast meeting
1976-79 Executive Board, Philological Association of the Pacific Coast
1976 Chair, Comparative Literature section, Philological Association of the Pacific Coast meeting
1974 Co-Chair, Committee on Smaller Classics Departments, American Philological Association
1973-88 Member, Philological Association of the Pacific Coast
1973-88 Member, California Classical Association
1973-88 Member, American Philological Association
1973-79 Executive Board, California Classical Association